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Pein's Jar of Dirt



EDIT: If you didn't understand some words in the song, here are the lyrics: [link]

2nd flash in a row! :dummy:

I started working on this flash 6 months ago, but then I lost the motivation to continue it XD

Aaaanyway, the song is called 'Jar of Dirt' and it's a remix made by Captain Neon from the movie 'Pirates of the Carribean'. :I

.....I LOVE making fun of Pein :iconohohoplz:

Flash CS3, 10+ hours
Naruto (c) Kishimoto
Song (c) Captain Neon
Image size
550x400px 417.74 KB
© 2010 - 2024 FancyPancakes
Louise-chan19's avatar
HAHA, so funny! I love! xD
Great job!
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